Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Goodbye My Friend

My good friend and neighbor, Bruce, passed away unexpectedly, recently. The emphasis is on "friend". It was very unexpected. I was outside when the EMT's arrived. When his wife, Pat, came out and told me that Bruce had a major heart attack, the only thing that came to mind was "Damn!". I drove Pat to the hospital emergency room and, when her friend who met us there came out to tell us that Bruce didn't make it, my only thought was, "Damn!".

Bruce was the kind of person who stays with you. He was intelligent, educated, experienced, and the consummate story teller. He was committed to the environment and, especially to trees -- oh, and big horn sheep.

His tribute was a tree planting -- actually three trees. They were planted by the Sacramento Tree Foundation along the North Sacramento bike trail right in front of trees that Bruce's team planted 15 years earlier as part of the first planting by the tree foundation. It was a fitting tribute to this man who gave so much to so many people. There were a large number of people there and all participated in the event. Some of Bruce's ashes were spread in the holes where the trees were planted so that his essence could help the trees grow and flourish.

 Bruce will be missed, but he will never be gone. He left a little here, on your mind . . .

and a lot here, in your heart.

Goodbye, my friend!

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