Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trust in the Cloud

I have just started using Miscosoft's Skydrive because they have implemented the OneNote application on the web. This got me to wondering what information people trust to the cloud. I tend to be a bit paranoid about information on the web. I don't use FaceBook or its ilk for example because I just don't wnat people to know all the much about me. I also don't think I would put anything on the cloud that was vital to my business, plans, ideas, etc.

Blogs like this are good for putting ideas out to the public to see reaction. But, I'm egotistical enough to think that anyone actually reads them. It's more of a way to put ideas out there for my own consideration. But, for things I intend to, perhaps, make some money from or otherwise benefit from, I don't think I trust either the people who might read them or necessarily the folks on whose systems I place it.

I'm an old timer who grew up in the time before personal computers or the Internet. Perhaps my reluctance comes from that. I know that there are generations after me to whom trusting all sorts of information to the web is no big deal.

We'll see how I end up using this resource. Right now, it is just a place to start ideas which I will later take to my system to develop into something real.

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